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Friday, March 19, 2004

DX9Tools Snapshot 1 now availible

I have zipped and uploaded the 9.6mb snapshot of the full dx9tools R5 solution as it is stored on my computer. NOTE: That this is not an actual release just a pre release snapshot.

A few new images

I have uploaded a few new images into the photo gallery. The images are of a couple of logo designs that never made the cut. You can see the new "Created by: X" logo I decided on, at the top left of my site. You can also download the full resolution (1024x1024) under the Misc Pics area in the Photo gallery.

DX9Tools update

DX9Tools at gotdotnet

I have Made some posts to the DX9Tools site and was thinking about what my library really could use in terms of killer featues. The problem is that I am actually writing DX9Tools for myself and for what I want to do with DX. But thats only because no one has asked me to specifically add any one particular feature.

I guess I am just trying to build it up bit by bit until I have all the building blocks to create things like character loading and animation a breeze. Or even a 3D animation sequence for that matter. Which by the way would not be far off if I would just take the time to implement it.

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Created by: X

I think I may have settled on the style and formatting for my blog. (IE: What your reading)

You can still access all previous news posts for march 2004 and earlier under the "News Archives" link on the sidebar.

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

More about the blogger service

One of the reasons why I decided to start using the service was because it makes it so much easier to make and post blog entries on my site. Before I started using blogger I was mantaining a news.html page and had to edit and maintain that page. Then I had to upload the page via ftp. (which for some strange reason has not been working properly lately)

Also because I have been using the google toolbar for some time now, I can just click the button on that tool bar and a convienient window pops up where I can create a new blog entry and have it posted to my web site atomatically.

I now do not have to maintain a new.html page or maintain it blogger does it all for me.

Bear with me ...

You will have to bear with me for the next couple of days as I tweak my blog.

Kinda cool ...

I have signed up to so what was once was the news page(s) on my site is now my Blog! You can still access the news archive pages on the sidebar. which was aquired by google, is free, and allows me to make posts to my blog and upload them quick and easy. At least easier then havng to mantain a bunch of html news pages.
The only forseeable problem I may run into is when it comes time to archive my blog entries into the News archive. But I'll deal with that when I need to.