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Saturday, April 24, 2004

Don't accept cookies from my site!

I noticed IE is blocking cookies on my site and am notifying you that I don't have anything on this site that should generate a cookie. Which means brinkster (my web host provider) is trying to dump the cookie on your machine. Please block any cookies you may be recieving from my site. Brinkster is probably trying to track your surfing habbits. I am going to have to have a talk to them about that.

Also I have updated my Current Efforts and Quick Tips pages.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Interesting VB.NET varible decloration quark...

I came across this kinda stupid quark about VB.NET and varible declorations after doing some code conversions from c# to


If you try to declare 2 varibles on the same line and set there initial value like so you get the fallowing design time error...
Explicit initialization is not permitted with multiple variables declared with a single type specifier.

Dim a, b As Integer = 0

Strangly if you declare the varibles like so ...

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer = 0

... You no longer get the error?

I could understand this error if variants were still apart of For example ...

Dim a, b As Integer = 0

... Would result in 'a' being a variant and 'b' being an integer. But there are no variants in I'm guessing it's a feature the MS team has not discovered or have got around to implementing yet. BTW, I am using 2002 so this varible decloration quark may have been fixed in laters version of

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Microsoft Gives some insite...

In my April 8, 2004 blog I wrote a small doc regarding how to go about Solving the DriverInternalErrorException Exception that gets raised under cirtian circumstances when rendering in windowed mode. This is the responce microsft sent me ...

The following was received from the Managed DirectX development team:

No, it's not really valid, and no I don't believe we should create a bug for the issue.

Before the device automatically resets the backbuffer it raises an event (DeviceResizing), that allows you to cancel this behavior. It is up to the application to determine whether they want to allow the resize or not, not MDX..

You can read the original doc as well as microsofts responce here DX Resize