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Thursday, November 25, 2004


I took the DX9SampleFramework Library provided in the DirectX 9.0c (October 2004) DirectX SDK and compiled it. I have not made any changes to the code and it was compiled as is.

I am providing this Dll to benifit the visual developers out there who do not have Visual C#.NET and who otherwise would not be able to make use of or understand the code in this library.

Documentation for this library is availible in the 'DirectX Documentation for Managed Languages' HTML help file that is provided in the directx 9.0c SDK download.

All credit for this library should be given to the microsoft directx team.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Just had an epiphany...

Well I just had an epiphany. I now realize that the reason I always strive to use the latest in technology (in my case software development) is because for the longest time I never had the chance to. When the pentium 2 was on it's way out and the P3 was on the horizon I was still moping along with a 486DX 80Mhz! It's all so clear to me now! lol

BTW: Need a handy dictionary/thesaurus resource check out