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Thursday, November 18, 2004

Son of a Bi...

Can you believe my lame ass luck! I started downloading the WoW beta demo like 4 days ago and just now I finished installing it and,.. er, um, Sorry sir the beta trial is over. God dam it! Have you any idea how big the download size is! 2.4+ gigabytes!, yes that's 2400+ megabytes I had to download! It took 20+ minutes just to install all that!

So I go to the World of Warcraft Community Site and guess what the current news post is entitled. "World of Warcraft Beta Test is Now OVER" Arrgggg! Hulk smash! Sucks to be me right now.

FarCry Review

I am finally done playing FarCry and I have finished writing my review for it. You can find it under the documents->Reviews tab.

FarCry Review

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Arena Wars - Community Site

Have you seen the Arena Wars Game! Written using the .NET Framework!

Arena Wars - Community Site