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Friday, October 15, 2004

Slow But Steady

I am still learning about DotNetNuke, and from what I have seen so far has been quite good. But I am having some problems with skinning.

BTW If you wish to get back to the original site with all of my content you can find the link here

Thursday, October 14, 2004

New site up and running! Well sort of...

I have just installed DotNetNuke on my new site at It's comming along nicley! I am quite impressed with the ease of use involved in getting it setup and running.

Any way there may be a few days of intermittent changes and down time as I finish getting the site up and running. So far every thing id goiung acording to plan! Whu Hoooooooo!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

What's Up!

You may notic undesired or 404 pages appearing on my site for the next few weeks as I have just upgraded my web site from 30mb to 1gig storage and 30gig of bandwidth. I am now begining the process of updating my site to, and making it a more community friendly site!

I'm Back!

I have returned, from mushroom picking! So I can now respond to your emails! I have also just upgraded my account at brinkster so that I will have more storage and bandwidth, in order to provide more content on my site! Like all the pictures I took from mushroom camp!