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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Old content is being ported to new website

If you have been subscribing to the website feeds then you may have already discovered that I have been porting numerous items from my old web site onto the new website. I am almost finished and only have project related items to port over.

I am also going to be adding a few more projects to the projects page when I have time. But before I do that I may take the time to write some more code for the website to make it more visually friendly. As you can see from some of the pages on the site that there are too many items being listed on a single page.

Also I think some of my rss feeds are no longer conforming to the rss 2.0 stantards that state you should not have more then 15 "item" entries in your feed. I just glanced at the site but can't find mention of that 15 item entry limit?!? Must have read that someplace else. The idea behind the 15 entry limit is to keep the size of the rss file to a minimum for quick downloads.

Using ATI RM Shaders in

I have just added a new 15 minute tutorial walking you through the creation of a Greyscale shader in ati render monkey and exporting it as a directx *.fx file, and using that fx file in a simple app.

The code in the video is available here