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Tuesday, June 08, 2004

DX9Tools Release 5 is now availible!

DX9Tools Release 5 is now availible! Hope you find it usefull. Visit the DX9Tools workspace at gotdotnet here DX9Tools at gotdotnet

The setup package contains the DX9Tools installer which includes Source code, compiled assembly, Documentation, and example apps.

The DX9ToolsR5 helper library is not meant to be another SDK
that sits on top of DirectX 9. It is designed to function
similarly to the D3DX classes, and provide a more robust
and more easier/faster way to work with DirectX 9. Basically
DX9Tools aims to simplify DirectX 9 where simplification is
necessary. The Camera object is an example of this.

Sunday, June 06, 2004


Have not made too many blog entries lately because I am preparing to upload DX9Tools Release 5, on either monday or tuesday. (June 7/8 2004)

I am just adding some last minute xml documentation and finishing off some sample demos. Currently there are 19 example demos compleated, with possibly more comming on the way.

After I release DX9Tools I am planning on starting work on a doom style game engine. More on that later...

Also, I may be packing up and moving to Edmonton, Alberta in the next few weeks. ... I hate alberta. Stupid flat landers. I need me mountians!